Internet Explorer 6 :hover className bug
I just spent an agonizing hour chasing down a fix for an annoying Internet Explorer 6 bug.
Here was the scenario:
I have a small gallery with back and next arrows. I used <a></a> tags styled with background images that were arrows. Initially I had css id's of #leftarrow and #rightarrow as well as a series of classes. The arrows would disable once they reached either end of the list of images.
Both "active" classes had a :hover pseudo-class that allowed the arrow to change background-image when hovered.
What I did was change the classname for the id to one that did not have a :hover pseudo-class when the user reached either end of the list - so once they were on the last item the "next" arrow would be disabled, or when there were on the first image, the "back" arrow would be disabled.
I used a small and easy JS function to change className for the ID when appropriate. This worked perfectly in Firefox 1.0.7, Firefox 1.5, and Safari 1.3.2 (Firefox on both Mac and PC) - it worked pretty well on Internet Explorer 6, but randomly, the images would disappear when the className was changed.
I took away the :hover pseudo class and it seemed to fix the issue - but I wanted to use CSS for the rollover rather than onmouseover and onmouseout.
After some experimentation, I found that by removing the ID, it worked fine in Internet Explorer 6 and everywhere else.
I used the getElementsByClassName() function to get the 2 links into an array.
My updated code looked like this:
Here was the scenario:
I have a small gallery with back and next arrows. I used <a></a> tags styled with background images that were arrows. Initially I had css id's of #leftarrow and #rightarrow as well as a series of classes. The arrows would disable once they reached either end of the list of images.
Both "active" classes had a :hover pseudo-class that allowed the arrow to change background-image when hovered.
What I did was change the classname for the id to one that did not have a :hover pseudo-class when the user reached either end of the list - so once they were on the last item the "next" arrow would be disabled, or when there were on the first image, the "back" arrow would be disabled.
I used a small and easy JS function to change className for the ID when appropriate. This worked perfectly in Firefox 1.0.7, Firefox 1.5, and Safari 1.3.2 (Firefox on both Mac and PC) - it worked pretty well on Internet Explorer 6, but randomly, the images would disappear when the className was changed.
I took away the :hover pseudo class and it seemed to fix the issue - but I wanted to use CSS for the rollover rather than onmouseover and onmouseout.
After some experimentation, I found that by removing the ID, it worked fine in Internet Explorer 6 and everywhere else.
I used the getElementsByClassName() function to get the 2 links into an array.
My updated code looked like this:
<div id="scrapbook">
<img class="scrapimg" src="/images/sb_01.jpg" title="Here's a caption for the first image" />
<img class="scrapimg" src="/images/sb_02.jpg" title="Here's a caption for the secnod image" style="display:none" />
<img class="scrapimg" src="/images/sb_03.jpg" title="Here's a caption for the third image" style="display:none" />
<img class="scrapimg" src="/images/sb_04.jpg" title="Here's a caption for the fourth image" style="display:none"/>
<div id="caption"></div>
<a class="arr scrapleftdisabled" href="javascript:void(0)"></a>
<a class="arr scrapright" href="javascript:void(0)"></a>
<script language="javascript">
var scraps = document.getElementsByClassName("scrapimg","scrapbook")
var arrows = document.getElementsByClassName("arr","scrapbook")
var currScrap = 0
$("caption").innerHTML = scraps[0].title;
function changeScrap(dir)
currScrap = dir>0?(currScrap1?currScrap+dir:0)
if(i==currScrap) $("caption").innerHTML = scraps[i].title;
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